Tag Archive for: photographs

Images of plants often reveal interesting and unexpected lines and shades. It is interesting to discover familiar shapes in the midst of creative activity. I laughed when I saw two arrowheads in upper and lower half of the image, in the center.  A pair of small fish appear toward the top center and bottom center. Now, how did arrowheads and fish find their way into this image? This unusual image started its life as a close-up photo of a paper lantern from a Chinese flame tree, resting among blades of grass.

My art pieces begin with a “feel for” the harmoniousness of colors that I’m thinking about. Colors that seem to naturally fit together, in the wrong shade, undesirably disrupts the energy and flow of a piece. In this example below, three colors are used, but the intensity of one or more colors does not feel right. One or more colors may need to be restrained or amplified to unite the image. The unusual lines in the image also inform on the color that seems to best fit.

I transformed an ordinary image into something unexpected. Here, I have a sort of triptych.  Using software, I made few thoughtful color selections to an ordinary photograph of a Spanish lavender plant. It is now something quite different.